Remote processing with Nephelae

The Nephelae processing platform


Within the next decade, past, actual and future satellite Earth Observation (EO) missions, extended in situ networks and super-computer simulations will continue to accumulate huge volume of data at an increasingly growing resolution. Facing streams of data pouring from space and simulations dictates that tools and methods must be engaged to leverage such a wealth and to better link the past and/or near real-time complementary observing and modeling system elements.

This can only be achieved with dedicated infrastructures to dynamically process massive information and to perform retrospective-analyses which will be essential key instruments for breakthroughs, and to stimulate multidisciplinary Earth system research and applications in marine and climate sciences.

The Nephelae platform

Nephelae is the Ifremer in-house solution to address these challenges. Ifremer/CERSAT conceived the Nephelae demonstration platform to test existing "big data" technologies and serve as a "proof of concept" to support both locally and remotely managed (re)processing and data analysis activities on complete satellite mission archives. It heavily relies on recent developments in the field of petascale file systems and cloud computing. Nephelae is the nymph of clouds in Greek myths...

Check the dedicated page on Nephelae cloud on Ifremer/Cersat web site for a deeper insight.

Nephelae in support to OceanHeatFlux

Nephelae hosts all the data collected and generated in the frame of OceanHeatFlux. It constitues a one-stop shop where people can access, process and analyse the data remotely, without having to download them. The data storage and processing resources are opened to all OceanHeatFlux project partners.

Connecting to Nephelae, users are offered full access to all OceanHeatFlux datasets as well as processing toolboxes and environments in python language to implement their analysis scripts or algorithms or batch management tools for reprocessing campaigns.

How to work on Nephalae cloud?

  1. Create an account: simple registration
  2. Once you get our approval, your machine IP will be authorized and you will receive your credentials
  3. Connect to the cloud using your credential:ssh 
    (the oceanheatflux project shared entry point (, for basic ssh-only access)
  4. Start to play!